This is version 1.3 of a "hobby" project that I am using to improve my knowledge of C and the Macintosh. Icon Clock is another clock application that shows you the time and the date in a neat LCD/LED appearance -- similar to those old Radio Shack clocks that everybody (almost everybody?) has.
Just a note about 1.2 -- this was the first release where I requested a small shareware "fee" to be sent to me...version 1.3 is the second!
If you decide that you don't like it -- toss it!! If you like it (AND FEEL GUILTY -- you know who you are!!), please send me $5.00 and comments, I will remember you when I make future versions -- and you will get free updates automatically -- at my expense!!
I know, I sounds like a lot, but I put a lot of effort into this little program!!
Also, just think -- this isn't one of those shareware apps that "times-out" on you to
enforce that you pay the fees! But, once I figure a nice algorithm out, it may be included in future versions -- so beware you guilty ones!!
Just send me a Cheque for $5.00 to:
Richard Michaud
1352 Roosevelt Avenue, Apt. #2R
Carteret, NJ 07008
If you have any questions send EMail to
AOL: RickMan314
Note: If you don't feel guilty than I guess you don't care about us hobbists -- sniff!..
Now for the good stuff:
Changes (1.0 --> 1.2)
- Added new icon sets.
- Added background coloring options, including a color picker.